Output 1
Report on the current trends, key issues, and recommendations to involve disadvantaged youth in virtual environment laboratories through the power of arts and creativity
Report on the current trends, key issues, and recommendations to involve disadvantaged youth in virtual environment laboratories through the power of arts and creativity
The aim of this output is to map current trends, key issues, and recommendations on how and what young people learn in virtual communities, with a strong focus on disadvantaged groups. Moreover, we will look with specific detail to practices that include arts and creativity in the methodological process of motivating and involving the young people in virtual communities. The main target group are Young Civil Society Organizations
Leader: Amadora Inova (PT)

Output 2
Methodology to mobilise disadvantaged youth's online civic participationorganisations
Methodology to mobilise disadvantaged youth's online civic participationorganisations
The aim of this IO is to create a methodology that combines arts and creativity, mobilising disadvantaged groups to participate in online civic spaces. The work performed will be based on offering an innovative methodology to engage, connect and empower disadvantaged young people to participate in digital communities – the Virtual Laboratories. It is intended to design Methodology to mobilise disadvantaged youth’s online civic participation.
Leader: Aproximar (PT)

Output 3
Virtual Laboratories for disadvantaged young people - A Guide for Community based organisations
Virtual Laboratories for disadvantaged young people - A Guide for Community based organisations
By creating a community-based guide for Civil Society Organisation (CSO), we expect to help Young Civil Society Organizations and other types of Community-based organisations replicate the methodology and, by applying activities where young people experience arts and creativity, develop young people’s confidence, self-awareness, self-presentation, and increase young people’s skills and capacities required to show creative leadership of self and others and negotiate entry into the world of employment.
Leader: Prometeus (IT)