
G-lab is an European initiative that aims to foster active citizenship and empowering disadvantaged young people, by experiencing arts and creative processes that increase their skills and capacities required to show creative leadership


“Project was designed based on real needs. During the project it is expected to increase participation in European project experiences and active involvement of target groups in learning & empowerment solutions design to promote the active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity of all young people.”

silab school labs

How to implement School Innovation Labs?


world youth report

Youth Civic Engagement

World Youth Report on Youth Civic Engagement



COVID-19: Working with and for young people


This website has been accomplished during the project “G-Lab”, grant agreement number: 2020-1-UK01-KA227-YOU-094689, implemented with financial support of the european commission by the erasmus+ programme.  this publication reflects the views only of the author, therefore the european commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

co funded